Some of us outgrow getting a gold star on our forehead after kindergarten... some of us don't.

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🤣......especially when only the teacher's pet gets the gold star !

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Save a little money: Do away with all the trinket and bauble Medals and Honours and replace them with one TPTB Distinguished Minion Of The Year Ribbon.

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Good thinking Bob - although they love spending money so that they can increase taxes !

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i knew something was terribly wrong about 'awards' from a very young age but none drove home my point of view more than learning about the Noble Peace Prize and some of the truly despicable names given that award;

there must be some kind of hidden etymology of the words Noble and Peace that in fact read 'Heartless Warmonger' or the like.

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Yes indeed Mark. Plenty of loathsome individuals and organisations have won that prize - should be called the Nobel Anti-Peace Prize !

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